AAMG Doctors

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Upcoming Health Talk on 6/22: COVID Vaccination & Reopening

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California reopened on June 15. After the reopening, should we go back to normal, before the pandemic? Do we still need the mask after reopening? Any concerns after vaccination? We will invite AAMG internal medicine doctor, Qingquan Fu, MD., who has over 30 years of medical experience, to discuss these topics and give us some tips. Stay tuned!

COVID Vaccination & Reopening

Date: 6/22 (Tuesday)

Time:11:30 am - 12:30 pm


Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpduCtqjwqHd0fp-E_s-mauOZRQs2DU5hj

Meeting ID: 864 1954 7079