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What Are My Hearing Benefits If I Have Medicare?

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Many elderly people have hearing problems due to aging. What kind of assistance can they receive to treat their problems?

Elderly people have hearing problems because of aging, creating difficulties interacting and communicating with people. Often it will be dangerous too if they cannot be aware of the environment around them, such as not able to hear the alarm or honks from a vehicle. Wearing hearing aids could help elderly people to treat this problem.

Elderly people can visit an ENT specialist for diagnosis. If they are identified with hearing problems and need hearing aids, specialists can refer them to purchase hearing aids from hearing aids providers.

However, many Medicare Advantage plans supplemental benefits cover Hearing Services for their members. Such Hearing Services would include routine hearing exams, hearing aids, fittings, and evaluations of hearing aids.

If elderly people enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, how can they receive the Hearing Services?

Health Plans have contracts with Hearing Services providers. Members can contact the Hearing Services provider for a routine hearing exam appointment. If they are diagnosed with a hearing problem and recommended to use hearing aids, the Hearing Service provider could provide the device.

What kind of AAMG members could have the Hearing Services benefits, and how can they get started for a hearing exam?

AAMG members with Medicare Advantage plan from Anthem Blue Cross, Brand New Day, and Wellcare by Health Net could have coverage of the Hearing Services benefits. Some plans offer hearing aids with a copay amount, while some offer them with an allowable amount. Members could get hearing aids using the allowable amount and be responsible for the balance if the hearing aids cost is over the allowance.

Members with one of the health plans mentioned could contact AAMG Member Relations Team, and our representatives could help them schedule an appointment with the Hearing Services provider.

If you would like to find out the hearing service benefit details or make an appointment for a hearing exam, please call Member Relations at (415) 590-7418, and we will help you get started!

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