Cholesterol in the body plays a few significant functions, including building healthy cell membranes, generating sex hormones for proper development, and synthesizing vitamin D. However, a high level of cholesterol can cause plaques to build up in the blood which raises the risks of coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. Unfortunately, a person with high cholesterol cannot detect any symptoms of this condition without a blood test. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the #1 cause of death, and stroke is the #5 cause of death in the USA. High cholesterol can be due to genetics, but often it results from an unhealthy lifestyle. Fortunately, adopting a healthier lifestyle, including a healthy diet and daily exercise, can effectively lower cholesterol and the associated risks.
Additional Info:
How to Prevent Heart Attacks By Managing Cholesterol
How Healthy Eating Prevents and Manages Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure
How Much Do You Know About Cholesterol?