Provider Information Update

It is very important that we have current and up-to-date information related to your practice. Examples of reportable items include changes to:

  • Practice address

  • Practice contact information

  • Practice Tax Identification Number (TIN)

  • Remittance and payment address

  • Hours of operation

  • Panel statuses (accepting or not accepting new patients)

  • New associates joining your practice (including mid-level practitioners)

Please report changes to our Provider Relations Department using the following forms:

EFTs and ERAs

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments are an alternative to receiving paper checks in the mail and provide you with quicker access to payments made by AAMG.

ERA (Electronic Remittance Advice) is a HIPAA-compliant electronic communication that contains claim payment information and replaces paper EOB’s. The ERA is also known as an 835 file. Depending on your practice management or accounts receivable software, you may be able to post payments electronically from the 835 file.

Please review the below FAQ on EFTs and ERAs and fill out the ERA Enrollment Form if you would like to apply for ERA enrollment: