Injury Prevention 預防受傷

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Injury prevention is to reduce the frequency and severity of injuries. In addition to general accidents, diseases such as hypoglycemia, hypotension, and anemia is an underlying cause of injury. Patients with these conditions may experience downiness and fatigue symptoms, resulting in a higher risk of falling and fractures. Effective injury prevention has to concern with disease-related injuries, and to raise safety awareness and implement preventive measures such as regular monitoring of blood glucose levels in hypoglycemic patients.


Resources / 中英健康資源

Videos / 視頻

功夫大師 Jino Kang 教你練習自衛搏擊 (廣東話翻譯)

Master Jino Kang's Exercises for Self-Defense
(Cantonese translated)


Fear of Falling? Here are Ten Exercises to Improve Your Balance! (Cantonese)

家中雜亂如何整理?如何斷捨離?整理家具小建議,幫你擺脫雜亂無章 (廣東話)


如何避免受到襲擊? 面對避免正面衝突?如何幫助他人?

How to Protect Yourself from Physical Attacks & Helping Others Stop Asian Hate Series (Cantonese)

遇襲受傷,應該如何急救? 停止仇視亞裔系列免費講座

How should I give first aid if I am injured in an attack?
Stop Asian Hate Series


Fall Prevention for the Elderly:
Balance Training Can Help You!

長者防跌倒,「平衡訓練」幫到您!十招教您提高平衡能力 (廣東話)

How Balance Exercises Prevent Fall Injuries & Improve Brain Health (Cantonese)

消防安全灣區 (廣東話)

Fire Safety Bay Area (Cantonese)