

Nutrition is the foundation of health. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates once said to let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. Optimally replenishing the body through the right nutrients from food and drink is important to our body’s metabolism. This nutrition page offers nutrition content from AAMG as well as content from other reputable sources.

Let Food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food - Hippocrates



Improve Your Blood Sugar with This Low-Carb Meal You Can Make in 3 Minutes!

What You Can Eat to Lower Your Risk for COVID-19

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Life
(English & Vietnamese)

Turn Canned Food into Okra Vegan Protein Soup!

Homemade Kale Chips Awesome for Your Gut Health

Cinnamon Peach Yogurt Bowl
At-Home Cooking Demonstration | Healthy Cooking

Tofu Veggie Noodle Stir Fry
At-Home Cooking Demonstration | Healthy Cooking

How to Limit Your Kids’ Sodium Intake for Healthy Living

How Sodium Affects You and Your Kids

How healthy eating helps with diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure

What You Need to Know About the Mediterranean Diet

Dr. Mark Savant’s Keto Diet Talk (English with Chinese subtitles)

What Diet Boosts Immunity? What Can I Do? (Chinese Subtitles)

Will I Gain Weight Post-Keto Diet?
(Chinese Subtitles)

Can the Keto Diet Cause Endocrine Disorders?
(Chinese Subtitles)

Avoid These Foods While on the Keto Diet!
(Chinese Subtitles)

Risks of the Keto Diet?
(Chinese Subtitles)

Are the Ketogenic Diet and Fasting Beneficial? Things You Should Know