Physical Activities 運動

Physical Activities 運動.jpg

Everybody needs to be physically active so that the body can work optimally. A famous Chinese saying states that poor blood circulation can lead to physical pain. Therefore, finding a form of activity that you enjoy doing everyday would be vital for your health.

Poor blood circulation can lead to physical pain.– Chinese Proverb

Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states. – Carol Welch

每個人都需要靠運動來讓身體達至最佳狀態。中醫認為血液循環不良可導致身體各處疼痛。 因此,找到一種您每日樂於參與的活動對您的健康是至關重要的。

血不通则痛。- 中醫諺語

運動是一種治疗,用於建造一個人的身體,情感和精神狀態的變化。- Carol Welch

Resources / 健康資源

Videos / 視頻


Exercise At Home to Stay Active

功夫大師 Jino Kang 教你練習自衛搏擊 (廣東話翻譯)

Master Jino Kang's Exercises for Self-Defense
(with Cantonese interpretation)


Fall Prevention for the Elderly: Balance Training Can Help You!


Fear of Falling? Here are Ten Exercises to Improve Your Balance!

長者防跌倒,「平衡訓練」幫到您!十招教您提高平衡能力 (廣東話)

How Balance Exercises Prevent Fall Injuries & Improve Brain Health

骨質疏鬆運動 (中英文字幕)

Exercises for Osteoporosis (English & Chinese subtitles)