Preventative Health 預防健康

Preventive health is the key to staying healthy. It focuses on the disease that can be detected early to reduce the patient’s suffering from the illness, and also to slow down the deterioration of the disease. Many ways can be used to prevent disease, such as regular check-ups, screening tests and immunization. Prevention is more superior than treatment; therefore, we need to be conscious of the concept of preventive health and take early action to avoid disease and improve the quality of life.


Resources / 中英健康資源



免疫接種 — 兒童免疫接種

Videos / 中英視頻

Shingles Health Talk by Kristin Wong, M.D.


Does This Look Like Chickenpox to You?


Not Your Average Rash – Pain, Facial Paralysis and More


Will Vaccination Prevent the Pain?


Flu/Cold Health Talk by Qingquan, M.D. (Mandarin)

傅清泉醫生的流感/普通感冒健康講座 (普通話)

普通感冒與流感的區別是什麽 ?

What is the difference between a cold and the flu?