Weight Management 體重管理

Weight Management 體重管理.jpg

Maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging because of our general sedentary lifestyle and processed food intake. However, if we maintain a healthier lifestyle such as eating nutritious foods and scheduling for exercise, reaching a healthier weight can be accomplished. This weight management page offers educational contents from AAMG and contents from other reputable sources.

A goal without a plan is just a wish – Larry Elder

保持健康的體重可能是具有挑戰性的,因為我們 經常久坐和過度攝入加工的食物。 然而,如果我們改變 生活方式,例如吃營養食物和安排運動,我們可以實現更健康的體重。 這個體重管理網頁提供AAMG的教育內容和其他教育內容。

沒有計劃的目標只是一個願望 -Larry Elder

Resources / 中英健康资源

Videos / 中英視頻


藥物治療 :我怎樣才能減肥?

(廣東話) 肥胖會增加新冠感染風險,但為何想減肥卻難過登天?

您胖嗎? 需要減肥嗎? 標準數據告訴您 (廣東話)

Do You Need to Lose Weight?


Frequently Asked Questions About CoolSculpting and Bariatric Surgery

如何實現您的健康體重 (廣東話)

Tips to Achieve a Healthy Weight

如何巧用營養和運動,科學減肥 (廣東話)

How to Use Nutrition and Exercise
to Lose Weight Scientifically

睡不好,難減肥,原來是這個原因 (廣東話)

Here’s Why It’s Hard to Sleep Well and Lose Weight

到底是餓了還是嘴饞? 您需要瞭解的“飢餓”真相 (廣東話)

Are you hungry or you want to eat? The "hunger" truth you need to know

問答環節: 服食的膽固醇藥導致腹瀉該怎麽辦? (廣東話)

What should I do if my cholesterol medication causes diarrhea?

問答環節: 如何計算BMI? (廣東話)

Q&A: How do you calculate BMI?