Manage Your Blood Sugar With This Low-Carb Diet - 3-Minute Cooking Demonstration

A high-carbohydrate diet can affect your blood sugar level, especially for pre-diabetes and diabetics. Here is a three-minute cooking demonstration for everyone to see how to cook three low-carbon water dishes in three minutes, which is economical, affordable, and easy to learn.

Pan-Fried Salmon with Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower - One
Salmon - 250 g
Bell Pepper - One
Shredded Mozzarella - 80 g
Milk - 100 mL
Minced Garlic - 2 Cloves
Sea Salt - Q.S.

Stir-Fried Mushroom with Egg Bake

Fresh Mushrooms - 1 Cup
Oyster Sauce - 1 Tsp
Sesame Oil - 1 Tsp
Egg - One
Spinach - 1 Cup
Bell Pepper - One
Mozzarella Cheese - 1 Oz
Sea Salt - Optional

Broccoli Souffle

Unsalted Butter - 10 Gram
All-Purpose Flour - 2Tsp
Milk - ¼ Cup
Sea Salt - 2Tsp
Broccoli - ¼ Cup
Shredded Cheddar - ¼Cup
Egg - One