Upcoming Health Talk on 5/13 - Teen Mental Health Workshop

2021-05-13 Teen Mental Health Workshop Ad ENG final.png

In the midst of the anti-Asian crisis, young people are often the most vulnerable to become victims. The pressure of speaking up or expressing freely without conflict can easily cause young people to have various psychological problems. To this end, AAMG is partnering with Cameron House to hold a mental health seminar to discuss the current topics. See the details for the upcoming talk below. Our Online Health Workshop Schedule is updated periodically so check back for more free online health talks in the future.

Date: 5/13 (Thursday)

Time: 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

Language: Cantonese

Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82373316031

Meeting ID: 823 7331 6031

Mobile: 1-669-900-6833

This meeting can hold up to 100 attendees. If you can't get into the Zoom meeting, feel free to watch right here on YouTube!