San Francisco New Masking Requirements

San Francisco New Masking Requirements

San Francisco will ease indoor masking requirements in the following settings on October 15, 2021:

  • Offices

  • Gyms and fitness centers

  • Employee commuter vehicles

  • Religious gatherings

  • Indoor classes, lecturers, or similar gatherings who meet regularly with less than 100 people

People can remove their masks in these stable settings. But only if the host or employer can verify full vaccination of everyone.

When to wear a mask?

You must still wear a mask in public places, like stores, restaurants, and large indoor events, even if you are fully vaccinated.

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Upcoming Health Talk on 9/29: How to Help Your Children Avoid Getting COVID-19 at School

Upcoming Health Talk on 9/29: How to Help Your Children Avoid Getting COVID-19 at School

Schools are opened again, but many parents are still worried about COVID and the possibility of their kids getting infected. Should kids be returning to school? Is it safe? How can we help our children avoid getting COVID-19? What disinfection supplies should parents prepare in their children's schoolbags? We’ve invited pediatrician Jennifer Hsu, M.D. to answer these questions and more

Join us next week in our upcoming free online health talk. See more in the full post for details.

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Upcoming Health Talk on 8/19: COVID-19 News Update

Upcoming Health Talk on 8/19: COVID-19 News Update

Why has the Delta variant been more effective than other variants? Can fully-vaccinated people spread the Delta variant? We will be joined by Dr. Kenneth Chang who will share some up-to-date information about COVID-19. Stay tuned this Thursday.

Details in the full post!

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