Avoid These Foods While on the Keto Diet! (Chinese Subtitles)

In continuation of our Keto Diet series, internist Dr. Mark Savant advises us on the kinds of foods to avoid eating while on the keto diet.


What kind of foods should we avoid while on the keto diet?

Dr. Savant:

If you want to do a ketogenic diet, you have to avoid (certain foods). But most people don't need to do a ketogenic diet, so then we individualize it so you are on a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet.

So the foods that stimulate insulin are carbohydrates, and carbohydrates are starchy and sweet foods. Starchy foods would be things like bread, rice, noodles, potatoes. Bananas are very starchy. Beans.

And then the good foods to eat would be traditional fatty foods. So, you know, like chicken feet, chicken liver, beef tendon, and foods that are not necessarily Chinese–cheese, cream, butter, avocado.

What does a typical keto meal look like?

Dr. Savant:

So I will tell you what I told my Chinese mother who had diabetes when she was alive. This is what I told my mother. I said, you know, “Have some eggs. You can have a little bit of fatty meat. If you like bacon, have a little bit of bacon for breakfast if you want. For lunch, you can have some tāng, right, some soup with vegetables, and little bits of, you know, little bits of meat in there. And then dinner, you have vegetables, and a little bit of meat, but don't have the rice if you're doing the ketogenic diet.”

We were able to get my mother off of the medicines that she had to take for diabetes when she was good.

Esther Situ (Nutritionist, Diabetes Educator, AAMG Health Education Manager):

So basically just cut back on carbs, just have fat, a lot of fat, and then some protein. 

Dr. Savant:

Yeah, little bits of protein and don't be afraid of eating old-fashioned fat.

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