How to Build and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle if Your BMI Indicates You are Overweight

Did you know that your BMI can indicate certain health risk factors? This includes pre-diabetes and diabetes, which 1 in 2 Asian Americans develop in their lifetime. This risk increases when your BMI is 23 or higher for Asians, or 25 and higher for non-Asians.

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How to Build and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle if You Have a Normal BMI

If your BMI falls within the normal range, you should still be conscious of your nutrition and exercise choices, as both contribute to overall health. Limiting certain foods such as dietary salt while eating foods that cause a slower rise in blood sugar can help to prevent diabetes. Physical activity can also help to lower your blood sugar, so it's important to make it a regular habit.

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How to Build and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle if Your BMI Indicates You are Underweight

Having a BMI that is lower than normal can potentially lead to other health risks. If you are underweight and attempting to gain weight, try to eat more calories than you expend and focus on eating more protein. It's important to eat nutrient-dense foods and eat regularly throughout the day.

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How a Patient & Doctor Plan Hypertension Management Together - UCSF Med Student Presentation

How a Patient & Doctor Plan Hypertension Management Together - UCSF Med Student Presentation

How can a patient and doctor plan hypertension management together? In this presentation, UCSF medical students Michelle Leung and Michelle Bui simulate a patient visiting their doctor. This presentation aims to spread awareness on hypertension by explaining its risk factors, treatments, and consequences/complications through a skit.

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CCHCA Grant Program: Teen HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Internship Program

CCHCA Grant Program: Teen HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Internship Program

We have an upcoming event for our CCHCA Grant Program on Monday, August 30, 2021. This seminar will highlight the contents of the program. There will be a 15-minute Q&A session to ask questions and learn more via the Zoom meeting link or YouTube Livestream links below.


Date: 8/30/2021 (Monday)
Time: 4:30 pm PT
Language: English
Meeting ID: 869 0458 0918

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Master Jino Kang's Exercises for Self-Defense

Master Jino Kang's Exercises for Self-Defense

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you might get physically hurt, it is best to know how to defend yourself without suffering more injury. We were very honored to be joined by Master Jino Kang to teach us exercises for self-defense.

Disclaimer: Please practice these exercises at your own discretion! These exercises require minimal physical movement designed for older adults and the elderly. We are not responsible for any injuries you may inflict on yourself from practicing these exercises. Stay safe!

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